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Batman Quotes

Batman logo between quote marks

Just Some of
the Dark Knight's Quotes Plus Quotes from Others**
Exploring Batman's Thoughts Across Media

Few comic book characters have spawned as many iconic quotes and philosophical musings as Batman. From the campy 1960s TV series to Christopher Nolan's gritty Dark Knight trilogy. Over the decades in his relentless mission to protect Gotham City, the Caped Crusader has dispensed plenty of opinions, some say wisdom or insights.


**Some of these quotes are directed to or about Batman from other Characters within DC Comic's universes.

   These are just a handful of examples plucked from Batman's rich tapestry of media appearances over the past 80+ years. From lofty philosophical quotes to playful quips, each line offers a unique window into the motivations, struggles and fighting spirit defining one of pop culture's most enduring heroes. Time and again, Batman's words have the power to make you laugh, inspire, unsettle and shed light onto the obsessive mind behind the iconic cowl.

    "Robin: "Where'd you get a live fish, Batman?"
   Batman: "The true crimefighter always carries everything he needs in his utility belt, Robin." "

- "Batman" (1966)

Image 1966 TV series Batman with Adam West

   This is a quote from the 1960s Batman TV series starring Adam West and Burt Ward | Season 2 Episode: The Duo Defy. The series offered adventures that were frequently ridiculous. Bruce Wayne, as played by Adam West, was the campiest man in Gotham with lots of silly repartee with his faithful sidekick Robin (Burt Ward) thanks to producer William Dozier. The TV series which ran from 1966 - 1968 was filled with dialog that was played for laughs, and fight scenes with graphic exclamations such as comic-book "Bam!", "Pow!", "Zap!" The titles of many of the TV episodes also were silly or campy. Wikiquotes offers more quotes of the campy dialogue.


The TV show was a huge success for a few years, but it definitely swerved away from what was originally proposed as a serious action/ adventure series to a campy sendup of the comics. It wasn't until Tim Burton's 1989 film, Batman, that audiences saw a darker more serious portrayal of the masked crusader that more accurately reflected the character as he was originally imagined in 1939. and which continues today in all media.


    "Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb!"

- "Batman" (1966)

   This quote is from the campy 1960s "Batman" film starring Adam West. In this comedic scene, Batman is literally running around trying to dispose of a live bomb, but he's constantly thwarted by various innocents including nuns and a marching band who would become in harm's way if he were to leave the bomb in their vicinity. It's a reminder that despite his grim demeanor, over the years Batman has been portrayed in various media, from dark, brooding and serious to light-hearted and funny.



    "I'm Batman."

- "Batman: (1989) Film"


   This line is said by Michael Keaton's Batman to a thug who was with his buddy dividing the loot they had stolen in a robbery of a couple with their son. Batman drags one of the robbers dangling him over the edge of the rooftop. The robber asks him who he is. These words are a declaration of Batman's purpose: he embodies vengeance against crime, he operates in the shadows, and he is a symbol that strikes fear in the hearts of criminals. It's a way of communicating that justice has arrived and that criminals of Gotham should be scared. While somewhat campy today, it cemented Batman's brooding, no-nonsense persona right from the start.


    "I am Vengeance. I am the Night. I am Batman!"

- "Batman: The Animated Series" (1992-1995)

Image from Batman: The Animated Series

   This longer quote is spoken by Kevin Conroy, the voice of Batman in Batman: The Animated Series.
The line is from the episode "Nothing to Fear," where Batman faces off against the Scarecrow.
The context for this quote is that Batman is hallucinating from Scarecrow's fear toxin and thinks he sees his father who tells him:"You are a disgrace."
Batman replies: "No! No! You are not my father! I am not a disgrace! I am vengeance! I am the night! I am BATMAN!


    "Choosing a weekend date, sir?"

- "Batman: The Animated Series" (1992-1995) The question was asked by Alfred, Bruce/Batman's faithful butler

Batman: The Animated Series Batman villains playing cards

    Batman: The Animated Series is considered by many to be one of the most loved animated television shows of all time. An action-packed thrill ride on Saturday morning with movie-quality stories that not only provided moments of fear, sadness, and excitement, but also many laugh-out-loud moments.

The question asked by Affred occurred when Batman was checking out Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy on his bat-computer and Alfred looked over his shoulder. Bruce's non-reaction to the snide question added more humor to the situation.



    "Sometimes I ask myself if Batman is just the suit or the man inside. Time to find out."

- "Batman Beyond" animated series 1999 -2001 on Kids' WB
Created and developed by Paul Dini, Bruce Timm, and Alan Burnett.
Produced by Warner Bros. Animation

Batman Beyond quote from 1999 animated series


   In the Batman Beyond animated series, in the future, Terry McGinnis adopts the identity/mantle of Batman following Bruce Wayne's retirement from the role. As each episode unfolds, Terry has to face greater and greater foes! But this quote is not about throwing the most power-packed punches and crazy karate kicks during a fight. Nor is it about the latest gadgetsTerry uses to combat crime in Gotham. Terry often felt like he only mattered when wearing the batman the suit. The story lines of the animated series explored the struggles of being Batman in a truly profound way. This quote is about being the person who decides to step up and fight for good against all odds.
Learn the back story, history, abilities etc. about Terry McGinnis, as well as how the production team developed the Batman Beyond storyline


    "It's not who I am underneath, but what I do, that defines me."

- "Batman Begins" (2005)

Batman Begins quote with image of Batman

   Batman says this to Rachel Dawes, a childhood friend. It's an important theme of the film: it doesn't matter who Batman is underneath his mask, it's his actions (fighting crime, upholding justice) that truly define him. This mirrors Bruce Wayne's struggle to reconcile his identities as the playboy billionaire and the vigilante Batman.

This classic line from Batman Begins succinctly encapsulates Bruce Wayne's mindset as he embraces his newfound role as Batman. Rather than being defined by his privileged upbringing, he believes his true self is determined by his actions in fighting crime and injustice as the Dark Knight. This theme of choosing one's identity and destiny over predetermined circumstances is central to his origin story.


    "You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain."

- "The Dark Knight" (2008)

Watch this Youtube video that shows the entire scene.

   The context for this quote spoken by Harvey Dent  during dinner at a fancy restaurant the Bruce Wayne owns. The two couples, Bruce with Natasha, a famous ballerina and Harvey Dent with Rachel. Harvey  are discussing the masked vigilante who is standing up for what's right in Gotham. is explaining that during the Roman Empire when enemies were at the gates, democracy would be suspended and they would appoint one man to protect the city. Rachel points out that one such man was Juluis Caesar who ended up never restoring their democracy. In response Harvey has says:You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain - Batman The Dark Knight from which the above quote was edited. This quote from The Dark Knight explores the blurred lines between vigilantism and villainy. As Batman hunts down the Joker, he walks a tightrope between upholding justice and compromising his own moral code. The concern is that the longer one operates outside the law, no matter the intentions, the more he risks becoming the very thing he's fighting against. It's a powerful meditation on power's corrupting influence. and a theme found in a number of different Batman comics sortylines.


    "Sometimes the truth isn't good enough. Sometimes people need more."

- "The Dark Knight" (2008)

Poster The Dark Knight movie

    At the end of "The Dark Knight," Batman decides to take responsibility for Harvey Dent's crimes in order to preserve Dent's image as a hero for Gotham. This line reflects Batman's belief in the power of symbols and ideals over harsh realities. He sees that the citizens of Gotham need hope and a hero to believe in.

To understand the context: Towards the end of The Dark Knight it  seems that the Joker's  greatest achievement of chaos is the apparent corruption of Harvey Dent by turning him into the villain, Two Face. It was devasting because Harvey Dent had become tGotham’s White Knight, in whom everyone had placed their hope of defeating Gothams criminals. This includied Bruce Wayne and the Commissioner. The a climactic scene, Harvey Dent captures Commissioner Gordon’s family and threatens to kill them.  Batman saves Gordon’s son, but part of the collateral damage results in Harvey's death. Batman is devestated that Harvey’s image as the White Knight was corrupted. Not wanting the Joker to succeed in likewise revealing that Harvey's image had been corrupted, Batman tells Gordon that he would take all the blame for the chaos and death including lthe murders that Harvey Dent as Two Face had committedso no one ecept them would know the truth. Likewise, Alfred decides not to tell Bruce Wayne the truth that Rachel was planning to choose Harvey instead of him. So the words Batman utters Sometimes the truth isn’t good enough, sometimes people deserve more. Sometimes people deserve to have their faith rewarded, of which the quote above is just part of, becomes one of the most poignant lines in the movie.



    "Why do we fall? So that we can learn to pick ourselves up."

- "Batman Begins" (2005)
    This inspirational quote from Batman Begins is spoken by Thomas Wayne, Bruce's father when the young Bruce had taken a tumble into a dry well. On one level, it offers practical advice about resilience in the face of adversity. But on a deeper level, it foreshadows Bruce's eventual rebirth and rise from the grief after experiencing the immense trauma and loss of his parents as a young child. The quote serves as a thematic anchor for Batman's entire journey and this wisdom from his father becomes a guiding principle for Bruce, helping him overcome the adversities he faces as Batman.



    "The night is darkest just before the dawn. And I promise you, the dawn is coming"

- "The Dark Knight" (2008)
    This is said during a press conference by Harvey Dent, the district attorney, who is feeling hopeless about the state of Gotham. Dent uses this metaphor to reassure the press and the people of Gotham that hope and light are coming, even when things seem to be at their worst. It's a powerful mantra about holding onto optimism in the bleakest of circumstances.

This popular quote was used in an editorial in 2023 by Eric Hanson from Hanson-Doremus, Investment & Planning) about The Economist weekly newspaper who he considered perhaps the single best read for world economics and politics. What The Economist observed about the economy "in a front page section on America is both unexpected and encouraging", according to Hanson."We are realists here and don’t want to sugarcoat America’s problems and the fact that we could easily lose our edge in the future. But it is important at times to step back and see our strengths and not just the darkness in the night sky."
That sounds like something Batman would say regarding Gotham!


    "If Clark wanted to, he could use his superspeed and squish me into the cement. But I know how he thinks. Even more than the Kryptonite, he's got one big weakness. Deep down, Clark's essentially a good person... and deep down, I'm not."

- "Batman: Hush" 2019 

Poster Batman Hush

    This quote is found in the graphic novel, Batman: Hush, volume two, written by Jeph Loeb. The 12-part "Hush" storyline was a tremendous success topping sales charts for an entire year when it was first rolled out. Vol 2 is the second half of the original legendary story arc encompassing the comics BATMAN #613-619. These Jeph Loeb lines spoken by Batman is an observation regarding Superman's moral code versus his own. It is also a reflection on their differing methods to combat wrongs. Batman suggests he's capable of crossing lines that Superman wouldn't consider. Making Batman potentially more dangerous and unpredictable. Some say this shows the level of introspection Batman has about his actions.

But in many other DC Comic storylines Batman becomes evil.From a vengeful Batman with the power of a god to a vampire Batman, to a Batman who becomes a crime boss, writers have had a grand time inventing storylines in which the character, Batman, the force for good, becomes evil.
Read more about these dark, alternate versions of Batman. DC: Most Powerful Evil Versions Of Batman
10 Evilest Versions Of Batman, Ranked
Batman has turned seriously evil a surprising number of times


    "You start pretending to have fun; you might even have a little by accident."

- "Batman Begins " movie release 2005 spken by Alfred

Bruce Wayne / Alfred quote while getting dressed

    Conversation between Bruce Wayne and Alfred J. Pennyworth who was his guardian after Bruce's parents were murdered, and then his confidant, trusted ally, and best friend.

Bruce Wayne: And what does someone like me do?
Alfred Pennyworth: Drive sports cars, date movie stars, buy things that are not for sale... who knows, Master Wayne? You start pretending to have fun, you might even have a little by accident.
In this moment, Alfred shows a dry sense of humor and offers a playful nudge to Bruce.


    "Batman is a hero who wishes he didn't have to exist."

- "Frank Miller: creator of Batman comics including Batman: Year One"

Comic cover- Batman Year One

    This quote is from Frank Miller discussing how he envisions Batman's character: "He wants the world to be a better place, where a young Bruce Wayne would not be a victim… In a way, he's out to make himself unnecessary. Batman is a hero who wishes he didn't have to exist..


    "You're supposed to be such a hotshot. Bane believes you are, anyway. I used to, too. Now I think you're all bluff, Masked Man."

1993 Detective Comics Vol 1 663
Writer: Chuck Dixon "No Rest for the Wicked"

Comic cover of Batman vol 1 #663 No Rest for the Wicked

1993 Dectective Comics Vol 1 #663
No Rest for the Wicked 

    The No Rest for the Wicked issue leaves the reader on the doorstep of the fight this has all been leading to, Bane vs. Batman. See our Bane Collection called Bane Will Break You.

The story arc of Detective Comics Vol 1 #663, No Rest for the Wicked opens with Batman & the mayor in a flooded underground tunnel needing to secape. Batman has the added complication of needing to rescue the mayor. It takes all his strength to get them both out alive. Nothing but Batman's sheer force of will successfully gets them out of this ordeal.
As batman staggers home, barely conscious at times, he comes face to face with Bane's three henchmen: Trog, Zombie, and Bird. The above quote is from Bird when he sees a bedraggled, exhausted Batman.
Eventually Batman makes it home where he wearily ascends the stairs from the Batcave to Wayne Manor only to find Bane waiting for him at the top of those stairs.

    "Criminals are a superstitious cowardly lot. So my disguise must be able to strike terror into their hearts."

- "Detective Comics" #33
The Batman Wars Against the Dirigible of Doom Detective Comics #33 (November 1939), written by written by Bill Finger & Gardener Fox


    This early Batman quote reveals why Bruce Wayne chose the bat as his symbol. He believes criminals are cowardly and superstitious, and uses this to his advantage. The bat, a creature of the night, is associated with fear and darkness, and thus helps him intimidate criminals.

    "A bat! That's it! It's an omen. I shall become a bat!"

According to  Wikiquote this quote also is found in the the Batman: Hush 12 issue series' story arc  written by Jeph Loeb & Jim Lee. Their version of the quote is: Criminals, by nature, are a cowardly and superstitious lot. To instill fear into their hearts, I became a bat. A monster in the night. And in doing so, have I become the very thing that all monsters become - alone?


    "I won't kill you, but I don't have to save you."

- "Batman Begins" (2005)


    Batman says this to Henri Ducard (Liam Neeson) in the 2005 film, Batman Begins, when they end up in a subway train that’s about to blow up. Batman escapes through the back window, without saving Ducard, as the train goes off the rails. This is a reflection of Batman's strict no-kill policy, while also showing his understanding that he doesn't need to go out of his way to save those who've committed terrible acts. It's a complex moral stance that continues to fuel debates among fans.




    "Every Time I Put On That Suit, It’s My Chance To Help People Who Are In Trouble."

- "Batman Beyond" TV Series 1999 - 2001

Batman Beyond Comic Series 2010 written by Adam Beechen/Art by Ryan Benjamin

Batman Beyond  Poster

This American animated television series set in the future was created by The WB Television Network. It featured  the way for Terry McGuinnis, a teenager who takes over Batman's mantle, to become a more complete version of what Bruce Wayne imagined a good vigilente who was looking ou t for the citizens of Gotham could be. Even though Terry  started out as a troubled teenager looking for revenge, his character's storyline arc showed his growth, reassuring Bruce that he had made the right decision memntoring the boy.

Later when Bruce attempts to convince Terry to retire he says: You've honored the reputation of Batman many times over, and for that, I thank youAgain recognizing Terry's invaluable contibution to the Batman legacy.

The Batman Beyond  storyline first appeared in the DC Animated universe as a cartoon series created by Bruce Timm, Alan Burnett and Paul Dini.  but eventually made the leap to comics in an initial six issue mini series that eventually saw 24 issues published ending in 2001. In 2010 DC Comics published a 6 issue limited comic book series that attempted to combine the animated universe series with the DC continuity.


    "A criminal is not complicated. What you really fear... is inside yourself. You fear your own power. You fear your anger, the drive to do great or terrible things."

- "Batman Begins" (2005)

Liam Neeson as Henri Ducard Batman's mentor

In director Christopher Nolan's acclaimed Dark Knight Trilogy, Liam Neeson's Ra's al Ghul famously trained Bruce Wayne and taught him the skills he would later wield as Batman.

    This line is spoken by Henri Ducard during a conversation between Bruce and his mentor, Ducard (later revealed as Ra's al Ghul). Bruce is exploring his fears, and Ducard explains that what Bruce truly fears is not external but internal—his own potential for good or evil. It's a core theme of the film, and of Batman's character: the struggle to use power responsibly.


    "The world's too small for someone like Bruce Wayne to disappear."

- "Batman Begins - The Opening" (2005)


    This quote was spoken by Henri Dudard, Batman's mentor who turns out to be actually Ra's al Ghul, reflects the struggles Bruce Wayne faces in keeping his Batman identity secret. His high-profile public life makes it difficult for him to operate as Batman without drawing suspicion. It shows the double life Batman leads, grappling with maintaining his secret identity while being a high-profile figure in society.


    "You don't get heaven or hell. Do you know the only reward you get for being Batman? You get to be Batman."

- "Detective Comics Issue #853"

Comic illustration Batman with his mother Martha Wayne

From an issue of the series Detective Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of June, 2009.

    This quote spoken by Martha Wayne was the mother of Batman (Bruce Wayne), as he drifts in extracorporeal conscience at his own funeral. She asks Bruce what has he learned of his experience so far. Bruce has learned that no matter what happens, He doesn't do it for glory or posthumous rewards, but because it's the right thing to do. Being Batman is not a reward; it's a responsibility. And then Martha Wayne says the quote. Batman thinks this is a near death experience, but but Martha tells him otherwise. This time, his death is inevitable. However, Batman doesn't believe in the afterlife and doesn't understand what else could be there for him.


    "The world only makes sense if you force it to."

- "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" (2016)

Batman versus Superman Dawn of Justice

    Batman speaking to Superman: I bet that your parents taught you that you mean something. That you're here for a reason. My parents taught me a different lesson, dying in the gutter for no reason at all. They taught me the world only makes sense if you force it to. This dialogue occurs during Batman's fight with Superman. Batman's need to take control and his belief in creating his own order in a chaotic world is often interpreted as his attempting to escape the cruelty of reality that he was forced to witness as a child. Does this justify his combative behavior? Ironically, this arbitrary worldview that deliberately creates conflict and ultimately often puts Batman in the position where he has become an aggressive, murderous, force, is similar to the person who murdered his parents and caused Batman's own early childhood trauma.


    "Deep down, you may still be that same great kid you used to be. But it's not who you are underneath, it's what you do that defines you."

- "Batman Begins" (2005)

    Batman says this to Rachel Dawes, reflecting on their shared past and changes they've undergone. He emphasizes that actions define a person more than their past or their inherent nature. It's a central theme in Batman's life, as his actions as Batman define him more than his life as Bruce Wayne.


    "It's not who you are Underneath, It's what you do that Defines you."

- "Batman Begins" 2005 fim

This quote was spoken by Rachel Dawes as a response to Bruce trying to explain the difference between appearances and who is actually is. Bruce is just following advice from Alfred, which is to pretend to be a playboy billionaire in order to cover up his secret identity as Batman. But the consequence is that is all Rachel "sees" looking at Bruce.

Batman Begins 2005 | Rachel Dawes Encounters Bruce Wayne

    "It's not who you are underneath, it’s what you do that defines you."

At the end of the film this quote is now spoken by Bruce Wayne as Batman when he saves Rachel again without her knowing his true identity. She asks him to tell her his name. His reply is the same as hers, making it pretty obvious who he is under that mask.

Batman frequently champions this idea of reinforcing the importance of actions over identity. This quote reflects Batman's belief that deeds are more telling than words or outward appearances. Batman frequently champions this idea of reinforcing the importance of actions over identity. This quote reflects Batman's belief that deeds are more telling than words or outward appearances.


    "I've worked so hard to gain their respect, they sometimes forget I'm flesh and blood."

- "Batman: Hush"

    Despite being a human with no superpowers, Batman has earned the respect of the superhero community with his intelligence, willpower, and resourcefulness. This quote reflects Batman's human vulnerability, which is often overlooked by his allies and enemies.


    "This city just showed you that it's full of people ready to believe in good."

- "The Dark Knight" (2008)

    Batman says this to Joker after the people of Gotham refuse to kill each other to save their own lives. It demonstrates Batman's faith in Gotham's citizens and his belief in their capacity for good, even in desperate situations.

The Dark Knight (2008) - Batman vs. Joker Scene


    "Selina Kyle: You've got to admit there's something between us.
Batman: Yes. It's the law "

- "Batman: The Animated Series" (1992-1995)

Animated series quote: Life is a funny thing. Sometimes it goes the way you want, sometimes it doesn't.

    Despite his serious demeanor, Batman occasionally shows some humor as the quote in this animated series demonstrates, unlike his lack of humor in the most Batman big screen movies .


    "Everyone has a choice. The question is whether we’re brave enough to make the right one."

- "Batman: The Animated Series" (1992-1995)

Batman Animated series quote Everyone has a choice. The question is whether we’re brave enough to make the right one.

    This quote speaks to Batman's belief in personal responsibility and moral courage. Despite facing countless villains who blame their actions on their circumstances, Batman insists that everyone has the power to choose their own path and should strive to make ethical decisions.


    "I'm the reason the criminals breathe easier when the sun rises."

- "Batman - Arkham Origins" 2013 action/adventure video game

    This quote is was edited from a larger discussion between Bruce Wayne and Alfred. The dialogue is below to give contect to the above quote.
Alfred Pennyworth: I will not in good conscience allow you to go. You are outmatched by these assassins and...
Bruce Wayne: I'm what?
Alfred Pennyworth:'re not some hardened vigilante. You're a young man with a trust fund and too much anger. You are in over your head and I don't want this to be your end.
Bruce Wayne: Alfred, who do you see when you look at me? The boy whose shoes you used to tie every morning, the teenager you drove to his first date? While you are here every night, I am out there... the ONLY THING between the innocent and the predatory...
Alfred Pennyworth: You may be, but...
Bruce Wayne: No, not 'may be'. I am. When the mugger or the thief stop to think twice, that is fear. That is what I am. That is why they hired assassins - because I am the reason the criminals breathe easier when the sun rises. So no, Alfred, I am NOT in over my head. Tonight will not be my end. But it will be theirs.

This quote underscores Batman's impact on Gotham's criminal underworld. He presents such a potent threat that criminals feel relief only when his "working hours" are over. This line clearly communicates the fear Batman believes he instills in Gotham's criminals.

The cut scene is from the game 'Batman - Arkham Origins


Each of these quotes offers a glimpse into Batman's character and the principles that guide him, including the belief in personal responsibility, the importance of actions over identity, and the sheer force of determination and willpower. Check out our Batman t shirts. Some even have a few memorables quotes!


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