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Superhero Powers - Lightning V Heat Vision Collection

The Superhero Powers - Lightning versus Heat Vision Collection features our two favorite superheroes, the Dark Knight vs. the Man of Steel, in their epic fight scene from the 2016 movie, Dawn of Justice.  The design shows Batman and Superman with his x ray vision fighting it out amidst a raging rain storm with lightening bolts flashing around them.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
2016 film
Starring: Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, Jesse Eisenberg
Directed By: Zack Snyder

The general public is concerned over having Superman on their planet and letting the "Dark Knight" - Batman - pursue the streets of Gotham. While this is happening, a power-phobic Batman tries to attack Superman. Meanwhile, Superman tries to settle on a decision, and Lex Luthor, the criminal mastermind and millionaire, tries to use his own advantages to fight the "Man of Steel".—Mine Turtle  IMDb

Critics were disappointed, considering it the weakest of the DC Extended Universe’s films.
Fans not as disappointed, but certainly didn't rate it up there with the best DC Extended Universe’s films.

To learn more about Superman and Batman's relationship read our post titled: Exploring the Ways that Batman and Superman Combat Crime, Their Ideologies, and How They are Portrayed in Society.

To read more about the film that inspired this collection, go to the Wikipedia page: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice



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