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Graphic Comic bubble saying: Amazing Security Information has adopted safeguards to help ensure that the information we collect from you is safe and secure.  

Our ENTIRE site is HTTPS.  The extra "s" stands for "secure" and we take your security very seriously. Unlike most websites that only use HTTPS when they are transmitting sensitive data on log in pages or during credit card transmission, we believe that it's important to provide you with this added security for your entire shopping experience!   SSL is the industry standard encryption protocol to ensure that your shopping experience, as well as all of your personal information, is safe while using 

Despite our best efforts, it may be possible for third parties to access information.  So as a result, we do not guarantee that the use of and the information that you provide to us will be private or secure, and we are not liable or responsible for any lack of privacy or security that you might experience. You are fully responsible for taking any necessary precautions and for providing security measures best suited for your situation and intended use of 

We do not transmit or store any credit card data during the payment process. We leave that to the experts, our payment provider, PayPal, is the largest provider of payment processing on the web. When you shop at, you will be happy to know that we have adopted the use of a payment processing method that completely isolates the exchange of sensitive credit card information in full compliance with PCI DSS requirements and industry best practices. The security of our transaction process is assured. At checkout, our customers are re-directed to PayPal to input their sensitive credit card information.  Therefore, the security of this information resides with PayPal.  No sensitive credit card information is stored with or transferred from   

Please do not use if you do not agree with the security precautions that are described in this section or any of our Terms of Use section.

We ship to ONLY USA Addresses & Canada.
Sorry, DC Comic lovers from other countries!

Please email any questions you might have about the security of to .

Note: Since Email is not a secure form of communication, please do not send us your credit card number or other personal information via email.

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