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Robin Collections



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Robin, Batman's iconic sidekick, has been a central figure in the DC Comics Universe for decades. In 1940 Bob Kane, Bill Finger, and Jerry Robinson attempting to draw in a younger demographic created a series of stories featuring Robin, the Boy Wonder in Star Spangled Comics. The Robin character would continue to have solo adventures, but he is most famously known for his partnership with Batman. Their bond is so strong that the names Dynamic Duo and Caped Crusaders are instantly recognizable.

This character has undergone numerous transformations, taking on different personalities and backgrounds. In DC's primary continuity there have been five different individuals who have worn the sidekick-to-Batman mantle of Robin. DC comic writers have frequently put Robin in peril as the hostage of hero-in-distress for Batman to save. Unfortunately, no matter how good Batman is, he can't always save the day. Of the 5 iterations of Robin, three have appeared to have been killed during various story lines.

To learn more about Robin, read our post The Ever-Evolving Role of Robin: Batman's Dynamic Sidekick.


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